The Fun Side of Veganism

vegan shoes, clothes, bags, food, restaurants, toiletries....everything to live the compassionate lifestyle in Amsterdam!

VegMoFo FAIL, and MeatFree Wednesdays

OK, ok. I fail. I fail at VegMoFo. Hands in the air here, admitting that.

Moving on....I just found out that Fifteen, Jamie Oliver's Amsterdam restaurant (and culinary school for disadvantaged youths) is going meat-free on Wednesdays!

This is a growing initiative in certain parts of the world (for instance lots of places in Ghent, Belgium are going meat-free on Wednesdays as well), but I do believe that this is the first restaurant in the Netherlands to do so!

Now, it is yet to be seen if there will be anything on offer for vegans, but surely this is a step in the right direction!

Three cheers for Fifteen!


Bonnie said...

That is great! Thanks for posting this :)

Lizzy said...

Wow! I'm surprised. How awesome!