The Fun Side of Veganism

vegan shoes, clothes, bags, food, restaurants, toiletries....everything to live the compassionate lifestyle in Amsterdam!

VegMoFo 09 Time Out!

I am going to interrupt my regularly scheduled VegMoFo blogging (regular? who am I kidding?) with a special post! I got my very first blog award- the Kreativ Blogger award!


1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog
3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that people might not know.
5. Nominate other Kreativ Bloggers.
6. Post links to the blogs you nominate.
7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know that they have been nominated.

This honor was bestowed on me by Lizzy from Lizzy Goes Dutch. Her blog is a fantastic vegetarian food blog (mostly- also about her life here in Holland as an expat with her Dutchie boyfriend) and her food is really, really amazing. Like...the girl can cook. So if she thinks that I deserve this award, well then that tells me I must be doing something right!

I will also be spending Thanksmas (a mix of Thanksgiving and Christmas which falls between the two holidays) with Lizzy and a whole slew of others, so I will get to taste her cooking firsthand! Lucky me!!!

7 things about me that you might not know about me

1. I went through a self-righteous vegan stage, but I think I'm over it. It was really just misplaced anger and emotion that people didn't care what they were doing to themselves, the animals of the world, and the earth. I wanted to help people, show them the way, and mostly cook for them. But in time I learned to take it easy. Everyone has their own personal cause, and for many people it's just not veganism.

2. I used to want to be a bartender as a career, because that's what my dad did when I was growing up. When I finally became of age, I worked in bars and restaurants for ten years before I finally realized that it sucks. Really bad. I like my nights and weekends for myself, thankyouverymuch. I hope the day never comes where I have to work in a bar again, but who knows.

3. I am sometimes lewd and inappropriate (I curse a lot and talk about sex and body parts a lot), and it always turns out that most of my friends are very prim and proper. So I spend a lot of time wondering "Did I overstep the line there?" Luckily most of my friends have awesome senses of humor (I know how to pick 'em!) and aren't bothered by my foulness. ...I hope.

4. The cursing is one thing that I would love to quit. Just....can't!....So....f*ckin....hard!

5. I love, love, love, love, love horror movies. The cheesier the better. They still make me jump and scream, no matter if the killer is a giant tomato or a babysitter slasher, and I don't actually watch the movie so much as listen to it while looking anywhere but at the film during the scary parts. It's all just too real to me.

6. I am an extreme bragger about the fact that I won Halloween costume contests for several years running. Last year's costume was pretty much my crowning glory. There will be no beating it, so I'm not even going to try. By now all my friends are like, "Yeah, we know. YOU WON. GET OVER YOURSELF. It's been a year." They're clearly just jealous.

7. I work from home and this results in insane amounts of time on facebook and wordpress writing my other blog. I sometimes wish that someone would come in and change my passwords so that I could more efficiently work during office hours. Any takers???

Blogs I'm nominating:

1. Bonnie over at Eating With Rabbits. Bonnie is a 19 year old expat in the Netherlands, and a vegan. She cooks the most amazing things, and I am totally learning vegan things from her, such as which brands of licorice are edible for vegans. And here I thought I was a know-it-all vegan! Turns out I still have so much to learn!

2. Faith at Cooking Vegan with Soul. Faith is in New Jersey, so that is automatic home-state points for Faith. She is also kicking vegan ass in the cooking department. I'm jealous in one of those good ways, where you wish you were as cool as someone else, but can only stand there in awe (and drool). Way to go, Faith!

3. I don't know her real name, but I love the Beats, Rhymes, & Cookies blog! She blogs in English and Italian- that can't be easy! But there seem to be less vegan bloggers in Europe, so I like that she's representing the southern countries!

Thanks again, Lizzy!


Bonnie said...

Hi Amanda!
Congratulations on your award and thank you so much for giving it to me, too! I'm actually not an expat myself (I was born here), but thanks for the kind words! I also love reading about other bloggers in the Netherlands, and food blogs in general, so I'm going to have a look at the other links you posted!

So much fun to read the list of facts as well. You make me want to go watch a horror movie.

Thanks again!

L said...

Hey, what a nice blog! I like your positive-minded/tolerant veganism, the world needs it a lot. Oh and I'm envious to read that you live in the's a lovely place and Dutch people is awesome. Thank you so much for the award..and my name is Ilaria, and I'm inappropriate too ahah nice to meet you :)

Lizzy said...

Aww, thanks for the sweet words! And I love your 7 things :-)

wendy said...

an inappropriate and lewd vegan who loves to curse and cook? oh, you are a girl after my own heart... can't wait to poke around the blog more...